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At New Beginning Christian Fellowship Church, we seek to encourage and equip adults and children to become followers of Jesus Christ who:


  • Have a deep relationship with God in a life changing way

  • Worship God in word and standard of living

  • Fellowship with Christ's followers

  • Serve others with the love of Jesus Christ

  • Spread the Word of the Lord with others

Children's Church (2024 Graduates)

Children’s Church is our children’s opportunity to worship in an environment designed specifically for them. Children’s Church is open to all ages. No matter their starting point, we help kids develop in their relationship with God. We talk about God’s story and help them see the active role they can play in becoming more like Jesus Christ. We invite the children’s to join the children's choir to develop their musical skills and a heart for worship through rehearsals, presentations, outreach events and leading worship service throughout the year. Youth/Teen Sunday school starts at 9:30am.

Dance Ministry

To equip believers of all ages and skill levels to offer their spiritual gift to God through dance and movement as worship and ministry. We express God’s stories through dance and movement, inviting Jesus’ presence to work in people lives. Youth and adults are welcome to join!

Men's Ministry

NBCFC Men’s Ministry meet for fellowship, honest conversation and prayer. We have gatherings that migrate around town to different restaurants and homes. All gatherings are relaxing, fun-filled and open to all men. NBCFC also has a Men’s Choir that seeks to glorify and serve God through song once a month. We desire to grow a deeper knowledge in the Word of God and develop Christ-centered relationships with others in the men’s choir. Men's Ministry meets Virtually on the 4th Thursday.

Women's Ministry

NBCFC Women’s Ministry is a ministry which ministers to women 13 years of age and older, to help them discover their spiritual gifts and realize their divine purpose, to equip them to become bold in their witness for Christ. Our goal is to nurture the spiritual growth in each other through God’s Word, prayer, and relationships. We recently attended Women's Empowerment in May!

Music Ministry

NBCFC Praise Team is a mixed group of vibrant, passionate singers that pour out their hearts and expressions of worship through song during the beginning of worship service. Through this ministry, God’s people are edified, empowered, and encouraged to worship God. If you sing or play an instrument and would like to perform in church, please know that there are many ways in which you can contribute. Special music solos, accompanying musicians, playing the organ for service, helping out with youth and children’s programs, singing or playing for outreach programs, there is a place for you!

Drama Ministry

Families with children/youth work together to create presentations to be performed throughout the year. No experience necessary needed. You can help with performances or work on set design and production. Drama is a family experience that is open to everyone. Whether you have young children, youth, grown children or no children and you are interested in sharing the Good News.

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